We will issue a refund to the original payment method. Therefore, the refund will be loaded back to the original Giftcard used to place the order. Please note that it can take up to 7-10 days for funds to be added to your Giftcard. Check your balance regularly at www.simon.com/giftcard to determine when your Giftcard has been credited for the return.
If the Giftcard was thrown away or misplaced (and you do not have the Giftcard number), please contact our GiftCard customer service team at giftcardscs@simon.com. They may be able to assist in locating your Giftcard number in order to have it replaced. You will need to provide identifying information about the original purchase of the card in order to locate the transaction and Giftcard number.
If the item is final sale and you purchased Make It Returnable with your order, then you will initiate your return through the Seel Resolution Center and can select either a virtual Visa card, direct deposit, PayPal transfer, or Venmo transfer to receive you refund.