Once you register with ShopSimon™, you can edit your account information when you have logged into your account.
Accessing Your Account
You can access your account information at https://shop.simon.com/account.
Once you have successfully signed into your account, you have the ability to view/update the following information:
- Order History
- Address Information
- ShopSimon™ Rewards Information
- Notification Preferences
Updating Address Information
From the Addresses section, you can edit the different mailing addresses associated with your account. Updates to this information can be used for future orders - changing the address associated with your account DOES NOT update the shipping or billing address associated with a previously placed order. Billing address updates can not be made once an order has been placed.
To update your address, click "Edit" next to the address you would like to update. You will be given an address form to update.
You can have as many addresses associated with your account as you desire. Only one address can be set as "Default", and this address is filled in during the purchase process.
Updating First / Last Name
Under the Notifications section, you can manage your First Name and Last Name associated with your account. Like address, these will be the default values on any future orders, and previously placed orders can not be updated once placed.
Updating Email Notifications
The Notifications section also provides a way to manage notification preferences. ShopSimon™ uses these preferences to send promotional emails to alert our customers of special deals currently available. These preferences can be changed at any time, but they may take up to 10 days to fully unsubscribe from promotional emails. Likewise, it may take up to 10 days to resubscribe to these emails.
It is important to note, however, that these preferences only apply to promotion emails. All transactional emails such as Order Confirmation, Shipping Confirmation, etc. will be sent regardless of these preferences.
Updating Email Address
Please contact onlinesupport@shopsimon.com to have the email address associated with your account updated.
If you are unable to access your account information to make these changes, please contact onlinesupport@shopsimon.com.